miercuri, 3 iunie 2009

Joomla Bamboo Canvas | Tema Joomla Download Gratuit

Joomla Template Joomla Bamboo Canvas Jan 09

Whether your work is lean and clean or down and dirty, Canvas is the ideal creative solution to set your folio site on fire.

With two fresh gallery modules, nine unique themes, an extraordinary 27 module positions and a galaxy of typographical choice, there are endless possibilities to suit your style.

Canvas comes ready to rock, fade and slide with the jQuery Superfish Menu. It has the beautiful JB Galleria and PrettyBox modules to showcase your images. Both load from a folder you specify, so gallery building is child’s play. The typography includes DryIcons’ Distortion series, for the ultimate in grunge.


* JQuery Superfish Suckerfish Menu
* 9 Unique Themes
* Awesome range of typography
* JB Galleria gallery module
* PrettyBox Gallery module
* 27 Module positions
* Collapsible module grid layout for the ultimate in flexibility
* Flexible module layout- 1, 2 or three column layout.
* All JQuery scripts run in no conflict mode.
* Full PSD source files included
* XHTML and CSS valid

Browser compatibility

We have tested this template extensively in IE6, IE7, FF 2.0 (mac and pc), Safari 2.0 (mac) 3.0 (mac and pc), Opera, Camino.



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