RokTwittie Module and even more Extensions!
The latest extension from RocketTheme provides a means to showcase various aspects of Twitter, from your tweets to profile information plus much more. The perfect addition to any site geared towards social networking. RokTwittie will be a great addition to your site.
The return of RokStories, RokNewsflash, RokAjaxsearch, RokTabs, RokNewspager are present in the template, all styled for perfect integration More Details...
NOTICE: SuperBlogger is a commercial plugin from JoomlaWorks and is available from them for 7 Euros.
Although the plugin is not included, custom Refraction style is in place and will get used automatically when the plugin is installed
Source Ordered Layout
Refraction continues the latest trend of SEO optimised templates. The layout of the template has been constructed differently to the norm. A typical Joomla template, in regards to the mainbody source, will load the left column first, then the right column and finally the main column (where your main articles are loaded). Refraction takes a different approach and loads the main column code before the left and right columns. Therefore, this template loads in this order: Header, Menu, Showcase, Main Column, Left Column, Right Column, Bottom, Footer. This is perfect for SEO purposes as the search crawlers will find your main content before your subsidiary content in your side columns. This is a major step forward and will improve your search engine results for your pages. More Details...
Refraction Documentation
Get started using Refraction with a wide variety of written and video tutorials explaining installation, configuration, custom modules, and much more More Details...
Refraction Full Package (28.36 MB)
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